Thursday, August 9, 2012

Voyage to a new land

I just read another mom blog about her deaf child, and she had a great write up about having a child with disabilities called "Welcome to Holland". I loved reading it because that is EXACTLY how I framed the situation to myself when we got the final diagnosis for Peter! I likened it to when I moved into student apartments in France for grad school- yes, a little scary, but it was because of the unknown, not danger. I was just in a new place where a different language was needed. And maybe I wasn't as fast as the natives in speaking it, but I could learn. And there are lots of helpful people if you look. I feel like I entered two foreign lands- one of ASL, since I want to expose Peter to as much whole language as possible right now, and a second world of technology and laws and therapy designed to help children with hearing losses. I have not yet started official ASL classes, so here I am a tourist off on my own reading a DK guidebook ;). I have gotten iPod apps, YouTube videos, signing time DVDs, and a few paper books. I am muddling my way through until the free family ASL classes start in September. But Peter knows what I mean when I sign (and say) CHANGE DIAPER, and he smiles when i sign YOU are BEAUTIFUL, or MOMMY LOVE YOU. I know my ASL grammar is probably lousy, but I figure that as I learn more, I can correct what I'm saying. For now, communicating is key, just like it would be for anyone newly arrived in a new country. I wish there was a book/app for "first words and phrases in ASL for hearing parents of deaf babies". They could give it to Anyone whose baby gets Refer on those hearing tests...just in case. I feel like I have a lot more guides when it comes to the other things. So many helpful websites, and blogs! I am voraciously reading others' experiences, and it is so useful. I don't feel alone on the journey to help my child, or make sure he gets a great education. Even though most people on the blogs and yahoo groups are not local, and I may never meet them, they are a fabulous resource and source of support.


  1. Keep notes! Perhaps you will write it one day! :-)

  2. I think I found the original blog entry where I read the essay- in any case this links to the "Welcome to Holland" essay within another CI mom's blog
