J. had scored the other assessments, and I think Peter was in the 5%ile for response to language or similar. Sounded really low, and J. said that anything below 7 was considered delayed, but J. also said that many babies with a hearing loss like Peter's are in the first or second percentile, so being in the fifth was actually pretty good.
Last thing for this session was to take J. on a FaceTime tour of the places Peter hangs out in our house. That way she has an idea about his routines and where they take place, and what materials we have available. Stanford is on Spring Break this week, so our next session is next week. We have some goals we are working on:
Here are the goals we discussed, based on the CASLLS assessment:
1. Domain: Receptive Language
Goal: PJ will imitate familiar actions and gestures 4 out of 5 times.
Strategies to work on this goal: Turn taking, modeling, wait time. (e.g., "More" during mealtimes).
2. Domain: Social Pragmatics
Goal: PJ will request actions through vocalizations, gestures, signs, or words in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
Strategies: Modeling, hand over hand, wait time.
3. Domain: Speech
Goal: PJ will open his mouth or stick out his tongue in imitation of parent in 4 out of 5 trials.
Strategies: Using a mirror, turn taking, wait time, modeling.
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