Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Going Home after Surgery

It is the first night home. Peter is sleeping, though he may be a bit more restless than usual. But maybe it was all that coffee I drank yesterday?  He had a bandage on his head, now he just has a little pad and some steristrips. He was supposed to wear the bandage two days. I got a little more than 24 hours out of the first one, did a second one that lasted maybe 6 hours, then tried the pilot cap on top of it, then stopped fighting. Peter is also supposed to take it easy and make sure not to fall and bang his head for a while. So hard to keep a beginning walker from walking, and falling!  I have made sure his head hasn't hit anything, but this kid as not really been slowed down by this ordeal!  He did not get the heavy duty Lortab (vicodin for babies) tonight since he spit it out all over my face with a big raspberry. I gave him some regular baby Tylenol. He liked that much better. Unfortunately he learned about spitting medicine out, and spit out a lot of his antibiotic that we have to take for several days.  I can't tell how much, so I don't want to give more....Rascal!
We are taking it easy tomorrow, and probably Thursday, too. I hope he continues to heal quickly :)

While at the hospital I had to ask one of the orderlies or nurses to watch Peter when I had to step out of the room. One guy wanted to make sure he knew what Peter needed, and asked what the bandages were for. I said he had had a cochlear implant put in. The guy asked if he could hear now! In his defense he did then say, "or do they have to wait a while?"  But if even someone in the medical field has no real idea of CI's I know I will have a lot of explaining to do. I am thinking t-shirts for Peter that say thing like, "yeah, I have bionic ears" or "you can ask my mom about my Super Duper High Tech ears!"  Any other suggestions for shirts?


  1. Congratulations on surgery! You'll be amazed at Peter's "Super Duper High Tech Ears." :)

  2. What about "I am three of three"?
    like seven of nine who also had bionic extensions which gave her a lot of abilities.

    I hope though that Peter will develop better manners than 7 of 9 ;-)
