Monday, April 22, 2013

Surgery Morning

I didn't sleep well last night. I didn't sleep much at all, actually. Today is Peter's surgery day. He couldn't eat after midnight, and couldn't nurse after 3:30 am, so I had set my alarm for 3:00 to make sure he got his last milk in! But I woke up before my alarm because I was a little nervous I guess. Peter nursed, went back to sleep. I didn't. I read and tried to keep my mind off everything. I was worried Peter would wake up at 5 and be grumpy he couldn't snack, but he slept until it was time to leave, then woke up in a pretty good mood. He played happily in his carseat on the way here, which I am thankful for, as it would have broken my heart if he was wailing the entire time.

We got here at 6:25 or so, but I didn't know where to go! Luckily the nice lady at the Ambulatory Surgery check-in directed us to the right department. We got checked in and wrists were banded. Peter kept trying to take his off, and looking at them like they were bizarre.  Everyone checked him out, and I drew a "C" (for correct, not CI) on his left ear, as per the Dr.s request ;) he got to drink the Versed, and he got all happy, but he was NOT going to go to sleep. He played with the curtains, he chewed his sock, he played peek-a-boo, he made loud noises. Then the team gathered to do the last check at bedside before they took him away. The anesthesiologist carried him in her arms, and he was a little upset to be taken away from me. She said once in the OR he would get some gas and be asleep before getting the IV, so he wouldn't experience any pain.

Now we wait for the volunteer to let us know when the electrode is in, and then wait some more....


  1. the pic of him smiling in bed is sooo cute. all the best today ellen. of course u would have a blog, you are super achiever, and I can't believe you have all those animals too! I am going crazy w/ another dog right now. Peter is lucky u are his momma.

  2. Great to hear that things move in the right direction. I love your idea of setting up a blog for Peter. Based on the photos he really did well.
