Luckily my insurance is Kaiser, and they have been SOOO easy to work with! No questions about in network or not (though I do have to go to their facilities) and all the teams have been working together seamlessly. Yesterday we had our genetic consult (so they could order the blood to be drawn during sedation at the ct scan).
After chatting about medical history, and anything that might be hereditary (like strasbismus), the Dr. examined Peter and was duly charmed. Crawling, pulling up, strong legs, yup. No wierd dimples or pits (didn't expect that question!). No funky birthmarks (except the stork bite). Feet are normal (and big). They said he looked mischiveous, and then agreed that there was something going on with his left eye. Peter 's left eye doesn't seem to turn all the way to the left, so if he is trying to look left he ends up looking a little cross-eyed. The doctor waved different toys around to get Peter to look, but flirt that he is, he just gave her the "look". The eye thing is something that could be related to his hearing loss, or just something on its own, but they may want to see what is going on with his eye since we are already getting the scans. The Geneticist was able to schedule Peter an eye exam, and THAT Dr. will help determine which views are needed during the CT scan, and also feed info back to genetics about which genetic screening tests to order for the blood to be drawn. I just have to get myself and Peter to the appointments.
So, nothing new, but one more thing checked off the list for CI candidacy. And one more appointment added for next week. I literally ran out of the office to my car because I knew I was barely going to make it home in time to teach my French class. So much revolves around Peter, but my daughters asked me to keep teaching French, and I really enjoy it, so I am trying to keep that going for us. I am hoping to maintain some kind of balance in our lives!
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