Saturday, June 22, 2013

A few new things

First, a new tooth! Just shy of 14 months Peter got his fifth tooth, a lower left incisor. It wasn't even one I expected, so my tooth predictions are at an all-time low :/

Second, a sign for UMBRELLA.  Peter signs it by bumping the backs of his fists together a couple times.  But he is consistent, and usually looking at an umbrella when doing it, so I know that is what he means. We went to a kiddy zoo with some deaf friends and their deaf babies, and one mom whose baby is just a year old, asked if Peter was signing yet.  I replied, lots! Her little guy is still just soaking it up, but not signing yet. While I know Peter does not get nearly the amount of fluent ASL her son is getting, I was so proud that I could talk about all the signs he already uses!

Third, the "mmm" sound!

After Peter ate some baby food he was playing with the clear plastic lid. I kissed it, mashing my lips into it and said "mmmmmmwah!"  Peter thought it was hilarious, so I did it more, and look at him go! I will gladly make a fool of myself for results like this!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! He is doing great! Just wait until he gets his second ear. I am hoping that the language will pick up even more after Butters gets his second surgery. We are kind of stuck on certain sounds right now.
