Wednesday, September 5, 2012

He's a hit with the ladies...

Peter is a cute baby. I know they pretty much all are cute, but my guy is adorable! Add in the blue hearing aids, and women are falling all over him! And since he is so visual, they are all amazed how alert/ tuned in/ attentive he is, but since that is his main source of information I am not surprised. I do wonder if he would be so popular if these women knew he is the kind of guy who is always putting his foot in his mouth, literally! Today Peter successfully shoved his foot in his mouth and started sucking his big toe. He also just last night starting trying to nurse and soothe his gums (teeth soon?)- and my yelping was heard by the rest of my family, but not Peter. I will have to come up with a different strategy to thwart that uncomfortable behavior. Maybe if I told him most women don't like biters, either ;)


  1. Ellen, Butters started teething at four months! Then literally overnight, two teeth appeared on the bottom front - it was so strange to see that when he smiled at us that morning. He was around five months when he got his first teeth. We knew something was up when he had LOTS of drool! It throws you for a loop however, because they can have all the symptoms - drooling, fingers in the mouth, increased fussiness, but the teeth take a long time to show up. So cute to hear that Peter already has a way with the ladies!

  2. Om nom nom feet!

    This site has the most challenging prove-you're-human barriers I've ever come up against. I expect you never get spam on here, except for mine right now since I keep commenting my way through!
