Saturday, November 2, 2013

This week's video check-in

I need to write more, but I need to do a lot of other things more, too ;). Like cleaning my house, finishing projects, or taking showers. It's pretty sad when I am thinking to myself...I gotta try to get a shower at least every other day. Thank goodness I have been too busy to get my haircut and I can put my hair in a ponytail ;)

I am going to make time to update Peter's word list, as a couple therapists have asked for one. And I make time to do these videos, since they help the therapists see what Peter is like in a more natural setting. He will talk to the speech therapists, but not nearly as much as he does at home, and they can sometimes hear or see more on the videos than I can. The videos also show everyone on Team Peter that all the input is paying off!  In this video "I Want" is starting to emerge!

Just a note about how I do the videos- they are shot on my iPod or iPad, often with the forward facing camera, and then quickly edited/titled with iMovie on my iPad.  That app was a great purchase!

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