Sunday, September 8, 2013

2 Ears On!

We had a busy couple of weeks! Peter started school on Tuesday 9/27 AND we got his right CI activated. I have video, but I haven't edited it yet. It was not as dramatic as the first activation. Mostly he looked like it was really no big deal. No shock, no fear, just picked up that drumstick and started banging away!
So far Peter has seemed to be doing well with the second CI, though it seems to pop off easier, and I can't tell if he is knocking it off on purpose, or if it is just coming off.
We also went to our new early start playgroup on that Friday. Peter loved the ball pit!
This last week we still had bad traffic for the commute to school. We are slowly adjusting to getting up extra early. My girls decided they would sleep in the next day's outfit to save time in the mornings we commute. I have two wonderful friends with kids the same age who are taking the girls on Tuesday and Thursday, then dropping the older kids off at elementary school, and the younger ones at preschool.  I am so thankful for this crazy arrangement! I just have to figure out what I can do to give back.

1 comment:

  1. I think Peter's doing wonderfully! I am curious as to what kind of school Peter has started as I'm thinking about programs for Butters. We have nothing much available here, and the one preschool that was available at our implant center is FULL! I was willing to make the hour and ten minute drive but that's not happening now.
