We have three dogs. They are always underfoot, trying to kiss the baby, or barking for their food. So they are a big part of Peter's daily experience. We use the sign for PEPPER for Pepper, a shaking ASL "L" for Lundon, and an ASL "3" into an ASL"T" for Trinity. Today Peter looked at Trinity and signed "T"!!! Maybe it was a total fluke. But, just like we do with babies babbling and getting excited when they sort of say a word, I ran over to Trinity and signed "T" and said (and signed) Yes!!!
Even if he didn't mean it, it was pretty cool to see that even a baby could make the T sign- which is thumb between first and second finger in a fist (like when your are saying "I got your nose!"). That would be a good first sign. The other day he made something that could be interpreted as a baby version of DADDY or DONKEY (insert joke here)- so I ran off to get a stuffed donkey since Daddy was at work. But since neither a donkey or Daddy was around when he did that, I am more inclined to think that was an accident.
Also Friday we went to the School for the Deaf, and even though I know Peter was tired, he stayed awake to watch everyone talk with their hands. He is always so happy when we are there! It will be interesting to see if more "finger babbling" is evident :)
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